
Ich war schon als Kind, im zarten Alter von acht Jahren, ein Umweltaktivist.

Und habe mein Leben lang gekämpft, für den Erhalt unserer Umwelt.

Zugegeben - dieser Song ist ein scharfer Klaps auf den Po für alle, die in den vergangenen 50 Jahren "weiter so" gepredigt haben - und es immer noch tun.

Wobei ich lieber viel härtere "Klapse" verteilen möchte, angesichts Klimawandel, Ressourcen-Raub, Migration, Hunger …

Sorry, aber die "guten"  Zeiten sind vorbei, und wir müssen schon jetzt mit den Lasten dieser Egozentriker leben.

Was ist das eigentlich für eine Spezies, die einerseits predigt, alles nur für das Wohlergehen ihrer Kinder zu tun, aber permanent eigentlich nur die eigene Gier oder Selbstdarstellung befriedigt und unsere Kinder in eine Welt befördert, die - unwiederbringlich zerstört - nur noch wie in "Mad Max" aussehen wird ?



Den kompletten Song gibt's im Shop :



Hey you
where are you going?
Hey you
Do you go to your beautiful home
Hey you
Do you go to your beautiful wife
Hey you
Do you go to your beautiful sofa

Hey you
where are you going?
Uh ... shopping!
what goods are you on
what goods are in your mind
Is it a new car
Is it a new guitar
Are you on a golden faucet
What do you want from life?

Hey you
Did you knew your goods are made of Oil
Hey you
did you knew your car needs oil
Hey you
did ya knew what oil does
Hey you
did ya knew what dies by oil ?

Hey you
I know you like your beautiful car
Hey you
I know you like your beautiful sofa
Hey you
I know you like your beautiful house
Hey you
What will you do, when the world burns down?

Hey you
What will you do, when your kids can´breathe
Hey you
What will you do, when there are no more trees
Hey you
What will you do, when your house burns down?
Hey you
What will you do, when your sofa ´s done?

You may cheat me,
but it doesn´t help
when the world is burned
you´ll see
we´ll see
I hope we don´t
Depends on you
on you On You !

Since 50 years
we know, what we do
I always told you
I warned you
Since 50 years
you been warned by Sience,
by Can, by Midnight Oil,
Warned by the Tubes
by the Talking Heads

You never heard
You won´t hear
Now you have destroyed the future
of your kids, of the world
How will they live
how will they survive
What do they want from life
What do you leave for them ?

So, now it´s time
for you not to go home
Time for you to go out
go out on Fridays
Ask the kids
Ask them
What do they want from Life ?